FCMs: From Ownership to Experience

The FCMs (flexible consumption models), or ‘As a Service’ business models have taken the world of commerce by storm, redefining the way companies deliver their products and services. This innovative approach replaces the traditional model of ownership with service-based relationships, where customers don’t own, but simply use the product or service.

Martha Sarvas

The FCMs (flexible consumption models), or ‘As a Service’ business models have taken the world of commerce by storm, redefining the way companies deliver their products and services. This innovative approach replaces the traditional model of ownership with service-based relationships, where customers don’t own, but simply use the product or service. 

How does it work?

FCM, or ‘As a Service’ business model replaces ownership with service-based relationships between customers and suppliers. In other words, it means you don’t own;  you simply borrow! From software and infrastructure to transportation and entertainment, this model covers the whole “menu” of life’s offerings. Instead of buying something once and for all, like a book, you’re now paying a small fee every month (like a library card) to use it as long as you want. It’s like having a streaming service for things!

Old School vs. FCMs: What's the Difference?

The fundamental distinction between traditional and ‘As a Service’ models lies in their focus. Traditional models are all about the product and owning it, much like buying a physical item you can touch and hold. In contrast, FCMs put the spotlight on you, the customer. It’s like a service that’s hyper-focused on what you need, when you need it. In essence, it prioritizes your experience, making sure you get top-notch service. 🌟

Examples of ‘As a Service’ Success 🚀

🍿 Netflix revolutionized the entertainment industry with its subscription-based streaming service. Customers no longer buy DVDs or download movies; they pay for access to a vast library of content.

💼 Salesforce disrupted the CRM market by offering a cloud-based customer relationship management platform. This ‘Software as a Service’ (SaaS) approach has transformed how companies manage their customer data and interactions.

☁️ Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become the backbone of cloud computing solutions worldwide, providing infrastructure and services to businesses on a pay-as-you-go basis.

🚗Uber’s ride-hailing service offers a transportation solution without the need for car ownership. Customers can access transportation on-demand, transforming the way people move from place to place.

Business Benefits of FCMs

💰 Recurring Revenue Model: Flexible consumption model brings in money regularly, like a subscription or membership fee. This steady income helps businesses plan and invest for the future more effectively.

👥 Customer-Centric Approach: Businesses using this model focus on making customers happy. They build strong relationships with their clients, which keeps customers coming back and improves the overall customer experience.

📊 Better Customer Insights: With FCMs companies collect data about how customers behave and what they like. This information helps businesses understand their customers better and offer them what they want.

🚀 Enhanced Competitive Advantage: ‘As a Service’ lets businesses change and improve quickly. They can adapt to new trends and technology faster than those using traditional methods, giving them an edge in the competition.

💼 No Need to Invest a Lot in the Beginning: Using this model doesn’t require a big upfront investment. Customers pay for only what they use, making it easier for new businesses to start and grow without huge initial costs.

Overcoming FCMs Roadblocks

🔒 Security and Privacy Concerns

FCMs involve gathering and keeping customer data, which raises worries about data safety and privacy. Businesses must invest in strong security and obey data protection rules.

💼 Data Ownership and Control

Deciding who owns and manages the data generated through FCMs can be a tricky topic. Businesses and customers need to set clear rules about who owns the data and how it’s used.

🔗 Vendor Lock-In

Changing from one ‘As a Service’ provider to another can be tough due to the risk of getting stuck with one. Companies should carefully weigh the long-term consequences of their service provider choices.

🌐 Service Reliability

The success of the flexible model depends on how dependable the service is. Any breakdowns or interruptions can have a big impact on both businesses and their customers.

Let's wrap it up

FCMs change how we deal with products and services. They focus on customer experience, regular income, and flexibility, shaking up traditional industries and sparking innovation. As businesses keep adopting this model, handling these hurdles and delivering top-notch service will be key to their success in the changing market. 🚀🛠️

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Oleg Tarasiuk

CEO & Strategist

Roman Labish


Roman Oshyyko

Design Director

Martha Sarvas

Deputy CEO, Head of

Business Development

FCMs: From Ownership to Experience
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