Say hello to Bun πŸ‘‹

Bun is a quick and versatile toolkit that’s set to revolutionize your JavaScript and TypeScript development experience. Whether you’re building a simple script or a complex full-stack application, Bun has got you covered. But what makes Bun a game-changer?

Oleksandr Seredenko

Bun is a quick and versatile toolkit that’s set to revolutionize your JavaScript and TypeScript development experience. Whether you’re building a simple script or a complex full-stack application, Bun has got you covered. But what makes Bun a game-changer?Here are some best practices for conducting a successful discovery phase for a new IT project:Β 

What's in Bun's Toolkit? 🧰

At its core, Bun is your Swiss Army knife for JavaScript and TypeScript. It helps you run, build, test, and debug your code, whether it’s a single file or a complete application. From a simple one-file project to a full-fledged application, Bun has the tools you need.

It is an all-in-one toolkit that sidesteps these integration issues while delivering exceptional developer experiences across its various tools, encompassing performance and API design.

🀜 Bun vs. Node.js πŸ€›

One of Bun’s standout features is its status as a drop-in replacement for Node.js. While it aims for compatibility with Node.js, there are instances where it outshines its predecessor, especially when it comes to speed and performance. Say goodbye to node modules and hello to Bun!

Bun is Swift as Lightning ⚑

When it comes to speed, Bun takes the lead. It is 4 times faster than Node.js, and this difference becomes even more significant when running TypeScript, which needs transpilation before Node.js can handle it.

No more waiting around for transpilation, Bun gets your code running in a flash.

Underlying Engine πŸ› οΈ

Unlike Node.js and similar environments using Google’s V8 engine, Bun is built on the WebKit engine, the powerhouse behind Safari and billions of devices worldwide. This battle-tested engine offers efficiency, reliability, and performance, setting Bun on the path to greatness.

Programming Language πŸ’»

Behind the scenes, Bun is powered by Zig, a language on the rise known for its performance capabilities. Zig aims to compete with established heavyweights like C/C++ and Rust, making it an excellent choice for a forward-thinking toolkit like Bun.

Integrated Transpiler πŸ”„

With Bun, the transpiler is seamlessly integrated into the runtime environment. This means you can run JavaScript, TypeScript, and even JSX/TSX files without the hassle of dealing with external tools. Bun simplifies your development process.

Development Magic with Bun ✨

Even if you choose not to use Bun as your runtime, its built-in package manager is a game-changer. It provides you with lightning-fast dependency installation and script execution, leaving those long npm waits in the past. Bun keeps your development workflow moving smoothly.

Testing Module βœ”οΈ

Testing your code is a breeze with Bun’s built-in testing module, bun:test. If you’re familiar with Jest’s “expect”-style APIs, you’ll feel right at home. Plus, Bun’s unmatched speed ensures that your tests run quickly and efficiently.

Bun's Tomorrow: Where Does it Lead? πŸ€”

While Bun undeniably offers a plethora of benefits, there’s a hint of uncertainty in the air about whether it can replace our trusty old the JavaScript and TypeScript development landscape.

Let’s face it, Bun’s potential to replace Node.js entirely remains uncertain. Developers have invested significant time and effort into mastering Node.js and its associated tools.Β  Switching over to something new, even if it’s as cool as Bun, can be met with raised eyebrows and skeptical head scratches.

Whether it gains mass acceptance and replaces Node.js entirely or finds its niche within specific use cases, Bun represents an exciting development in the ever-evolving world of JavaScript and TypeScript development. πŸŒπŸš€

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108 Stryjska St, Lviv, Ukraine
+38 (093) 234 34 76

Oleg Tarasiuk

CEO & Strategist

Roman Labish


Roman Oshyyko

Design Director

Martha Sarvas

Deputy CEO, Head of

Business Development

Say hello to Bun πŸ‘‹
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